How to control the display of my personal information to others?

By default, some of the information you provided at the time of registration can be seen by registered users only. If you wish to change these settings and show parts of your information to additional members (such as to non-registered users, for example), or to make it private, this is how (using your Age as an example):

  • Click the My Profile link of the Account section, near the top of the right-hand navigation bar of most pages.
  • Your main profile page should appear.
  • Click the Edit Profile button, located near your photo.
  • Your account information/settings page should appear. Scroll down to Details and you will see an icon or button next to your birthday information.
  • Click this and a menu will drop down, offering you 4 different ‘permission level’ choices:
    • Everyone (everyone on the internet can see)
    • Registered Users (only the registered users on Vivaldi.net can see)
    • My Friends (only your friends on Vivaldi.net can see)
    • Only Me (no one else except you can see)

The default option is to share your age with Registered Users. If you do NOT want to show your age to anybody, you could choose Only Me. Remember to click Save at the bottom of the page when finished.

Now, other users won’t be able to see your age anymore, if that is what you have selected. It will still show up on your account info and settings page, as all the options are visible to you.

There are similar icons next to each other piece of personal info of that page and each is adjustable in the same way.

How do I delete my account?

  • Go to Account setting under Preferences on the right navigation bar
  • Once you are on your Account setting page, you should see Delete Account on your left side of the page
  • Click Delete your profile.

How do I create Blog title and description for my own blog?

  • Go to Dashboard under Blog on the right side navigation bar
  • Click the gear-shaped icon on the far right end of the dark gray menu bar on your dashboard.
  • In the Blog section, you can edit your blog title, add a description and a short bio.
  • You can also do other things there such as optimizing your blog for search engines, etc.

How to optimize for search?

Blog Post Tagging

Add tags to your blog post relevant to the post content. Lesser amount of broader tags is better. Reusing existing tags will help for discoverability of your article among relevant posts and via the tag cloud visible on blog pages.

Blog Post Meta Data

As a part of a blog post, you can fill in page description and keywords. These will be inserted in the meta data section of your blog post page and improve search engine indexing. For the description use a single sentence relevant to your blog post. Keywords should ideally cover the tags you have assigned to your post.

Photo name and description

Adding name and description to your images will make them discoverable in Vivaldi.net search results.

How to link external images?

At Vivaldi.net we care about the safety of your data and enforce all connections through certified secure HTTPS. This certification is invalid when a page contains object embedded via insecure HTTP link.

Hot-linking (i.e. linking media from a 3rd party domain) is a bad practice to begin with. The linked media can change its location, disappear, or the hosting site can prohibit external linking. To avoid disappearing media and to prevent compromising secure connection we discourage linking of external resources. Please upload the shared media to Vivaldi.net and link locally. Please mind that you should only publish media authored by you or in public domain, as per our Terms of use.

How do I move my email from other email provider?

The best way to move all of your emails from your current provider is to set up your email client (e.g. Opera M2, Thunderbird, etc.) with both Vivaldi Mail and your current email providers account using IMAP. Once you set up both, you can move emails from your current mail provider’s IMAP folder to Vivaldi Mail IMAP folder.

For step by step instruction, take a look at this article which is written with My Opera Mail and Opera M2 email client as an example.

After you move all the emails, you can then use Vivaldi Mail web interface. If you want to move emails you sent, don’t forget to move the email in Sent folder or similarly named IMAP folder.

After the migration, you can also configure your email provider to forward all incoming emails to your Vivaldi Mail address to avoid checking multiple accounts.

What is the storage capacity for Vivaldi Mail?

Currently, it’s set to be 5GB.

How do i set up my email account in a mail client?

In your desktop or mobile email client create a new IMAP mailbox account using following settings:

IMAP Server Settings

Server Type
IMAP Mail Server
Server Name

Security Settings

Connection security
Authentication method
Plain password

SMTP Settings

Server Name

Security Settings

Connection security
Authentication method
same as IMAP settings

How to use RSS feeds app and show feeds of your choice on your stream?

  • First, click on My Application under Account section on your right navigation bar.
  • Find the Feeds application from the list and click install.
  • Once installed, click the Community link on the top menu or the Vivaldi.net logo on the top left corner.
  • Click on Feeds from the Applications in the left side bar, below Vivaldi.net logo.
  • Click the New Feed button.
  • You will see a pop up view, enter the feed URL and title and click Create Feed button.
  • The feed you chose should now appear on your stream.

Where are Vivaldi servers located?

They are hosted in Iceland where many of our team member resides. We started using Cloudflare as our CDN to improve site performance. However, our Mail service does NOT use CDN and is served only from our Iceland data center.

Some information about Cloudflare

Privacy Policy


At Vivaldi Technologies AS (“Vivaldi”), protecting your privacy is one of our top priorities. We strictly protect the security of your personal information within Vivaldi’s Web sites. We do not share or sell your data with any 3rd party and protect user data from disclosure, with exceptions only requested by law or court order.

Types of data we collect and its purpose

Vivaldi may collect visitor statistics. The visitor statistics may include information about the visitors IP-addresses, usage patterns, the point in time the visitor visits our web sites on vivaldi.net and vivaldi.com and information about the browser and operating system the visitor uses.

This information is solely for statistical purpose and is not used to identify individuals. We use these statistics to improve and optimize usability of our products and services for our users. These statistics help us determine where we need to improve and prioritize our resources accordingly.

The web sites may use cookies. A cookie is a tiny data file that resides on your computer, mobile phone, or other device, and allows us to recognize you as a visitor when you return to the website using the same computer and web browser. This allows us to provide more customized experience for our visitor. You can remove or block cookies using the settings in your browser.

We keep the contact information you provide us with, in your account profile. We may use your contact information to inform you about important information concerning our services. Additionally, we may contact you for our other products and services. You can always opt out of receiving these types of emails from us.


Vivaldi has strict restrictions on access to user data. Only a limited number of Vivaldi’s employees or employees at Vivaldi’s service providers for the web hosting services have access.


Vivaldi cooperates with Advania data centers (see http://www.advania.com/datacentres/) for the hosting and running of the Vivaldi websites. Advania data centers will process and handle personal data on Vivaldi’s behalf in accordance with this Privacy Statement, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Vivaldi will not transfer any personal data to any third party except as required by law or law enforcement.


Retention and deletion

Vivaldi will delete personal information when all purposes of the personal-information processing have been fulfilled and when deletion is allowed pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.


Procedures are reviewed regularly to ensure that the policies are followed. Any non-conformance regarding the policies will be corrected without unnecessary delay.

Updates and changes

This Privacy Statement may be updated or changed. When we post changes to this Privacy Statement, we will include the date when the Privacy Statement was last updated. If there are material changes to this statement or in how we will use your personal information, we will notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes prior to implementing the change or by directly sending you a notification.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, or privacy on our Web sites, we can be reached at contact[at]vivaldi.net.

Terms of Use

Welcome to Vivaldi.net!

Here at Vivaldi, we try to keep things as simple and easy as possible but since this is a legal document, it’s a bit longer than we would like it to be. It’s important that you read this carefully and understand the terms of use.

By clicking through, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you don’t agree to the following terms and conditions, you are not allowed to use Vivaldi.net.

We may if needed change any part of these terms of use without notice and your continued use of Vivaldi.net will be deemed as acceptance of such changes. You should check the terms of use regularly!

1. What you agree to do

  1. Respect the other members of the community and help us build strong community!
  2. Respect intellectual property rights of and the privacy of any 3rd party and only publish stuff that you have all rights to do so
  3. Accept our privacy policy (available at vivaldi.net/privacy)
  4. Use our Website at your own risk
  5. Be fully responsible for any claim, expense, liability, losses arising from any infringement of these terms of use.

2. You agree not to do the following

  1. Harass the others in the community
  2. Break any laws and regulations
  3. Upload/publish illegal content or stuff that you don’t have rights to publish/distribute
  4. Upload/publish stuff that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening
  5. Use our service for illegal purposes
  6. Hack our system or use our system to hack other systems and spread virus, spam other users or any other third party
  7. If you violate any of the above, you understand that your account will be suspended or terminated, and you may also be exposed to civil and criminal sanctions.

We do our best to provide a great community site, however, we cannot be liable for any kind of damage, direct or consequential, resulting from your use of our Website.

We do not guarantee availability of our Website.

The information contained within the Website is provided on an “as is” basis, meaning that there is no warranties for the accuracy, fitness for purpose.

The information on the Website is not pre-screened or censored by Vivaldi, but Vivaldi may remove any information posted on the Website without notice if we have reason to believe that it violates these terms of use. However, Vivaldi is not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such material.

We are not responsible or liable for content or services provided by any other 3rd parties, which may be used in our Website or linked from our Website.

Once you delete your data such as blog, photos, email but not limited to, we cannot restore them.

Your stuff is yours and Vivaldi does not claim ownership of any material you upload. We only use, copy, display, distribute, and adapt your stuff for the purpose of running the Service. And by accepting these terms of use through your continued use of the Website you grant Vivaldi an irrevocable license to do so.

And this is it!

Welcome to our community!

If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, we can be reached at contact[at]vivaldi.net.