Terms of Use

Welcome to Vivaldi.net!

Here at Vivaldi, we try to keep things as simple and easy as possible but since this is a legal document, it’s a bit longer than we would like it to be. It’s important that you read this carefully and understand the terms of use.

By clicking through, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you don’t agree to the following terms and conditions, you are not allowed to use Vivaldi.net.

We may if needed change any part of these terms of use without notice and your continued use of Vivaldi.net will be deemed as acceptance of such changes. You should check the terms of use regularly!

1. What you agree to do

  1. Respect the other members of the community and help us build strong community!
  2. Respect intellectual property rights of and the privacy of any 3rd party and only publish stuff that you have all rights to do so
  3. Accept our privacy policy (available at vivaldi.net/privacy)
  4. Use our Website at your own risk
  5. Be fully responsible for any claim, expense, liability, losses arising from any infringement of these terms of use.

2. You agree not to do the following

  1. Harass the others in the community
  2. Break any laws and regulations
  3. Upload/publish illegal content or stuff that you don’t have rights to publish/distribute
  4. Upload/publish stuff that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening
  5. Use our service for illegal purposes
  6. Hack our system or use our system to hack other systems and spread virus, spam other users or any other third party
  7. If you violate any of the above, you understand that your account will be suspended or terminated, and you may also be exposed to civil and criminal sanctions.

We do our best to provide a great community site, however, we cannot be liable for any kind of damage, direct or consequential, resulting from your use of our Website.

We do not guarantee availability of our Website.

The information contained within the Website is provided on an “as is” basis, meaning that there is no warranties for the accuracy, fitness for purpose.

The information on the Website is not pre-screened or censored by Vivaldi, but Vivaldi may remove any information posted on the Website without notice if we have reason to believe that it violates these terms of use. However, Vivaldi is not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such material.

We are not responsible or liable for content or services provided by any other 3rd parties, which may be used in our Website or linked from our Website.

Once you delete your data such as blog, photos, email but not limited to, we cannot restore them.

Your stuff is yours and Vivaldi does not claim ownership of any material you upload. We only use, copy, display, distribute, and adapt your stuff for the purpose of running the Service. And by accepting these terms of use through your continued use of the Website you grant Vivaldi an irrevocable license to do so.

And this is it!

Welcome to our community!

If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, we can be reached at contact[at]vivaldi.net.

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